Monthly Archives: October 2013

Breathing, Writing, and Giving Thanks (Healing Practice: Part 2)

In Part 1, I talked about using a mantra (I am relaxed) to reinforce a positive mindset and state of relaxation. Repeating this positive message to myself over and over throughout the day has helped me see beyond my injured state, and focus on something more productive.

This mantra has been effective, but is admittedly abstract and intermittent. Continue reading

3 Rules For Cooking With Fats

cooking fats pic (resized)

Protein. Carbohydrates. Fat. Calories. That’s how we’ve been taught to think about what we eat. If we can only find the magical mix of macronutrient percentages, we’re told, we can achieve the health and aesthetic goals we’re after. Provided, of course, we stay within the upper bounds of our caloric intake limits.

There are many problems with this thinking, and I won’t address them all in this post. What I want to point out is how thinking about the individual nutrient components of our food (Nutritionism, as Michael Pollan likes to call it), removes eating from its context. Continue reading

The One Food Principle To Rule Them All

Times couldn’t be more confusing for someone trying to eat for better health.

Marketing messages from Big Food companies, health and fitness practitioners, and supplement peddlers crowd the marketplace. The government and food industry lobbyists pass guidelines serving their political and donor interests (that is, the bottom line rather than your waist line), Continue reading