We all want “the answer” don’t we?
What should I major in? Which jobs should I apply to? Should I take a few months off and travel the world?
Or a question I hear all the time: What should I eat? (or not eat?)
People want the quick fix, a one dimensional answer that will “just work.” It seems we all want to solve our latest problem, chalk it up as complete, then move on to the next one. We have an insatiable desire for simple answers.
Why is that?
I think it’s because all these questions are really just step ladder issues. We hope solving them will help us resolve a bigger concern we all have:
What will make me happy?
It’s a complicated question, and there’s no one right answer. Which makes trying to solve any problem through a black and white lens nearly impossible.
And this is especially true when it comes to food and health. Continue reading