Category Archives: Lifestyle

The Morning Routine

I’m in awe of people who get a lot done.

Folks like Tim Ferriss, Cal Newport, and Barack Obama. People whose schedules I know are crazy busy, but still they manage to pump out project after project, or take on seemingly herculean tasks — like running The United States of America (while somehow still managing to follow the ins and outs of the college basketball season? I have no idea has he does it!)

We all have the same amount of time in a day, yet some people seem capable of squeezing every last ounce of productivity out of their 24 hours. Which is why I’m intrigued by the concept of “the morning routine.” Continue reading

Don’t Go to the Gym

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In my prior life as a Type A-holic, I used to hit the gym 5-6 days a week without fail. That’s not something I’m proud of, just the truth. Working out was so ingrained into my routine, I sacrificed sleep (and sanity) to cram it in every day.

And not only that, but I never missed a workout. Really, I literally can’t remember ever voluntarily skipping a planned workout day during that time. If I committed to going to the gym, I was going to get some kind of workout in, even if I had to improvise when circumstances placed me away from a traditional gym environment.

I’ll admit, this might not sound like the worst habit to have developed. Just showing up to the gym consistently is more than half the battle for most people, and I get that. But looking back, I was probably taking things to an unhealthy extreme. Continue reading

3 Tips For World Domination

WDS sign

Photo credit: Armosa Studios

“How do we live a remarkable life in a conventional world?”

This was the question posed to me and 3,000+ attendees at the World Domination Summit (WDS) last weekend in Portland, Oregon. The event brought together a wily group of entrepreneurs, bloggers, and big thinkers to mingle, listen to amazing speakers, and unpack what it takes to live a remarkable life. Continue reading

It’s Not about A “Diet”

Eat Real Food

We all want “the answer” don’t we?

What should I major in? Which jobs should I apply to? Should I take a few months off and travel the world?

Or a question I hear all the time: What should I eat? (or not eat?)

People want the quick fix, a one dimensional answer that will “just work.” It seems we all want to solve our latest problem, chalk it up as complete, then move on to the next one. We have an insatiable desire for simple answers.

Why is that?

I think it’s because all these questions are really just step ladder issues. We hope solving them will help us resolve a bigger concern we all have:

What will make me happy?

It’s a complicated question, and there’s no one right answer. Which makes trying to solve any problem through a black and white lens nearly impossible.

And this is especially true when it comes to food and health. Continue reading

Soylent: Over-Hacking Health

soylent glass

Soylent has launched, and it’s coming to a tech hub near you.

Described on its website as a “simple and affordable nutritional drink that has everything the healthy body needs,” the all-in-one meal-replacement powder recently began shipping orders to the public.

If you haven’t heard of it by now, the home-brewed mix contains synthetic nutrients deemed by co-founder Rob Rhinehart to comprise a “perfectly balanced diet.” He even launched the company with a blog post detailing his successful attempt to stop eating food for 30 days, living off nothing but Soylent.

While initially disturbing, I was also intrigued when I first read about Soylent a year ago. Continue reading